Monday, January 31, 2011

Journey continues

From 18 December 2010 till 30th Jan 2011, it is surprisingly a very long holiday that I ever had in my 3 years of law studies. I would give myself a stern warning that I've been wasting too much of precious time whereby I could have used it and get myself amid mounds of books. It's my human rights law seminar tomorrow and no doubt it is a very interesting subject, but it requires a lot of commitments that you've to read voluminous of readings.

Quite recently, a dismay I have experienced that, frankly, I scored a pretty low mark for my formative assignment. In any case if you don't know what is a formative assignment, it is a non-assessed assignment that will not affect my final marks. Perhaps, I've been putting quite a high expectation on myself unwittingly by thinking myself quite a shrewd person? *beam*

 Errrhummm,  definitely not one of those who is facilitated with a high capability of thinking be it academically or practically. The hat being put on me simply, I think because I don't wish to let my parents down? Ever since small until now, my mum had been criticised by some of my relatives that she isn't good enough in educating her own children. I, then started generating a thought, that I'll make sure those words will be returned to them by proving I'll one day become a successful person. Yes, i always like to dream big. hahahahax. It is Res ipsa loquitur. The feeling was so strong that I felt like my skin was sloughed off. Start doubting my ability from that hour, that why choose a question that most of them won't answer. Am I, a venturous person or I really that confident?  Delving and delving the truth  behind it, be it whatever reasons I did so, I learnt a lesson. Being a law student, it's really pivotal to have to think out of the box. Without a shame to admit, I think I am still quite far away from becoming a competence law student. The question was asking to assess on Lord Diplock's dissenting judgement in a case, and i focused only on one particular dissenting judgement thinking it requires only that much. At least now that I'm aware of it, i can actually elaborate more. Why restraining myself to a tiny box?  From 18 December 2010 till 30th Jan 2011, it is surprisingly a very long holiday that I ever had in my 3 years of law studies. I would give myself a stern warning that I've been wasting too much of precious time whereby I could have used it and get myself amid mounds of books. It's my human rights law seminar tomorrow and no doubt it is a very interesting subject, but it requires a lot of commitments that you've to read voluminous of readings.

Quite recently, a dismay I have experienced that, frankly, I scored a pretty low mark for my formative assignment. In any case if you don't know what is a formative assignment, it is a non-assessed assignment that will not affect my final marks. Perhaps, I've been putting quite a high expectation on myself unwittingly by thinking myself quite a shrewd person? *beam*

 Errrhummm,  definitely not one of those who is facilitated with a high capability of thinking be it academically or practically. The hat being put on me simply, I think because I don't wish to let my parents down? Ever since small until now, my mum had been criticised by some of my relatives that she isn't good enough in educating her own children. I, then started generating a thought, that I'll make sure those words will be returned to them by proving I'll one day become a successful person. Yes, i always like to dream big. hahahahax. It is Res ipsa loquitur. The feeling was so strong that I felt like my skin was sloughed off. Start doubting my ability from that hour, that why choose a question that most of them won't answer. Am I, a venturous person or I really that confident?  Delving and delving the truth  behind it, be it whatever reasons I did so, I learnt a lesson. Being a law student, it's really pivotal to have to think out of the box. Without a shame to admit, I think I am still quite far away from becoming a competence law student. The question was asking to assess on Lord Diplock's dissenting judgement in a case, and i focused only on one particular dissenting judgement thinking it requires only that much. At least now that I'm aware of it, i can actually elaborate more. Why restraining myself to a tiny box? 

A trivial incident won't knock me down. I hope it makes me even stronger and tougher. As you all may have known, I'm quite a sentimental person. Well, it won't flush off my rationality, Few hours ago. I'm grateful that I managed to catch on a show named 'Superstar' made by Taiwan, a girl who has gone through many hurdles in her life and in chasing her dream, even though it would have been tough and dreadful, she nonetheless, overcomes those thorns and guess what, she won the contest with 'Listen'. I think what really touched us isn't her singing technique(it plays a role anyhow). She isn't really stable and as outstanding as some other singers. I think, her determination and her passion that is the real player behind it, which eventually touched the audiences Notmany years ago, She failed even at the first phrase in Malaysian Idol audition. If I were to be so easily knocked down, I seriously an epic failure to everyone who has faith on me. From this day forwards, slacking must be stopped and 3 more months until my final. I will have to resonate my ability. I could be a 'no one', one' but I will start measuring my progress. Perhaps as little as an inch a day, miles it will become, one day. A trivial incident won't knock me down. I hope it makes me even stronger and tougher. As you all may have known, I'm quite a sentimental person. Well, it won't flush off my rationality, Few hours ago. I'm grateful that I managed to catch on a show named 'Superstar' made by Taiwan, a girl who has gone through many hurdles in her life and in chasing her dream, even though it would have been tough and dreadful, she nonetheless, overcomes those thorns and guess what, she won the contest with 'Listen'. I think what really touched us isn't her singing technique(it plays a role anyhow). She isn't really stable and as outstanding as some other singers. I think, her determination and her passion that is the real player behind it, which eventually touched the audiences Notmany years ago, She failed even at the first phrase in Malaysian Idol audition. If I were to be so easily knocked down, I seriously an epic failure to everyone who has faith on me. From this day forwards, slacking must be stopped and 3 more months until my final. I will have to resonate my ability. I could be a 'no one', one' but I will start measuring my progress. Perhaps as little as an inch a day, miles it will become, one day.

Human Rights
1) Historical Background
2) HRA 1998
3) Art.2 
4) Art.3
5) Art.8
8) Art.14
9) International Humanitarian law

Sale of Goods
1) Introduction of Commercial Law
2) Scope of SGA 1979
3) Duty to Deliver and Acceptance
4) Passing of Risks and Frustration
5) Implied Term(S.13,13,14,15)
6) Exclusion Clause
7) Retention of Title
8)Nemo Dat Rule
9) Rule of Agency

Company Law
1) Introduction and Structures of Companies
2) Corporate personality
3) Company's consittution
4) Corporate Governance - an area which im quite keened on. 
5) Director Duties 
6)Director Duty of Care, skills and dilligence
7) Minority Rights
8) Insolvency 

EU Law
1) Historical background of EU 
2) Institution
3) Legislation - Directives, Regulation, Direct Effect and indirect effect and etc
4) Judiciary on preliminary rulings
5)Judicial Review
6)Internal Market
7) Free movement of goods
8) Citizenship
9) Free movement of person
10)Fundamental Rights

Wow.........and i'm dead.... >.< 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Nostalgic season

英国时间 是2.41am, 听了一首佛曲后,令我辗转难眠。于是翻回一些佛曲,一首一首听在心理,煞是滋味。肚子也顽皮得响了。



脑海里反复的画面,真令我睡不着啊。他们是我非常非常珍惜的一群。坦白来说,虽然口说兄弟帮,不晓得我在他们心目中是否也一样? 无论如何,他们是我很珍惜的一般兄弟。这个缘分,也许他们觉得我不珍惜,但是确确实实离不开我的心。只能说,很多东西我已经不懂得表达了。很多也许是误会,也许不是。我自己也搞不清楚了,也算了。就这样过了又是几个年头了。我承认,我变了。只是,我不能不变啊? 从中学中1起,那位傻小子,今日已经是最后1年法律系学生了。我也从也为常常辩驳的小子到了今天觉得很多东西是不说的好?至少我也学会了忍,到现在,自问忍功真的进步不少。我不想伤和气,直到有一次,我顶撞伟峰哥关于过年拜年事宜的。

我的朋友都很惊讶,为什么?他们对我来说如此重要。我很铁定的说:“因为他们,我学会了很多很多东西。‘ 对于我的朋友们来说,都不意外而然。他们都说:“这些东西都没什么啊?尽管他们没有教,迟早我都会领会到的。” 但他们不明白,正是因为他们,无论是谁,我都深表感激的。缘分就如此安排让他们成为我生命中的重要的一部分。无论对于他们是有多么的不满或许感概,因为这一点的恩,我都吞到今天。如果你要问我,这点恩情真是无比浩荡。没有他们,现在的我不知道会是一个怎么样的我?


在我离开马来西亚前,直到我让他们才知道我当天就飞了,国哥方约我出来。 跟他们最后一次聚餐,我真的心有不舍。当天去见他们,全家人都几乎不让我出因为多几小时就要离开家里了。我婆婆又问了:”哪里有人要离开会自己去找人家聚会的?有心的,就去送你啦,常常见你去送机,怎么现在你飞了,没人来送你啊?“这些话,我都听习惯了。 我只好又帮他们说话了。其实,有很多状况就是这样的,刚好天时地利人和不具足,家人又有意见。又或是,也因天时地利人和不足,兄弟们也有意见了。很难解释。同时,我飞机场里头在想,可能自己付出得不够吧?只单纯的希望,能够是大家的兄弟。哈哈,也许我这么一想真会让人觉得我不成熟。


人 难 来 人 易 去, 走 遍 千 山 来 到 这 里 

或 许 前 世 曾 相 遇 ,今 生 再 与 你 相 聚 

来 亦 来 去 亦 去 ,人 来 人 去 随 缘 散 聚 

对 尘 世 一 份 执 迷 ,只 好 反 复 来 又 去 

我 知 道 我 生 在 此 岸 ,我 只 是 一 个 过 客 

我 知 道 我 赤 着 手 来, 也 将 空 着 手 儿 去 

我 知 道 我 生 在 此 岸 ,我 只 是 一 个 过 客 

我 知 道 我 赤 着 手 来, 也 将 空 着 手 儿 去 。






Wednesday, January 12, 2011





非常感谢佛菩萨加持,让我走到现在。我所愿的都真的如愿了。朋友们,别认为这是迷信。这倒是我之前发的愿力而这股愿力之被我父母亲持着,可能这个感恩的心创造了奇迹了吧? Law of attraction? 无论如何,路还是很漫长,无论期间我到了高峰,那还不是终点。路仍然必须继续走下去。到了高峰,不能不舍得下坡或一味享受高峰的荣耀而忽略走更长远的路。


Tuesday, January 11, 2011




回首过去,我发觉我太多投诉了,对于很多东西有太多的不满。也忘了,自己是可以改变的。所以错的都是在别人的身上。也许也制造了朋友们,兄弟们,家人对我的不满。与其投诉,倒不如去寻找解决方案?因此,我学会‘忍’。渐渐的,我学会‘笑’。 佛菩萨所在之处皆令人欢喜。我常常想要让人开心,却让人以为我是虚伪的。尽管如此,我坚持。为何当我真心对待人时,却被人标为伪君子?但是,我也不能理太多。我在学习,学习处事待人。人所在处就有是非。逃不了的。






Sunday, January 02, 2011


There it passed, the great 2010.

Just feel really grateful for what i am having now.

Thanks to my parents, my respectful dad. We didnt really communicate much but i still feel his cares toward me. My lovely mother, who had, though, soothed me with cold water at times but her sacrifices are res ipsa loquitor. Both of you make a really great parents.I'm exceptionally touched. When both of you have done your part excellently, i do also hope i can do my part very well too.

To me, both of you are my god. Both of you are the lord buddha.

Thank you for everything.