Taken from a lyric of a buddhism song . Which had awaken me .
Last week , One of my sister read my blog and understand that i am having some hardship . She then send me a message with parts of a buddhism lyric . Well, it just a simple message . Just one message ! I feel so released . Why am i forgot what my teacher - Buddha had taught me ??
But ,The negative thought keep running in my head . Erase it , it then comes again . Last times , i wont even spend time to think about what is my problem when i having hardship. I will always ask my brothers . I just being too rely on them . For now , i think i have to grow up . It is not that they are not needed anymore but they will only lead me to what i want. Indeed , i am the one who walk in journey . If i am wrong , i will still take their advise . You know what , after this incident , i finally realise that how weak am i . Time to take it and erase it ! It can only be explain in 2 words in chinese - 执着 。Why am i so take it so seriously as if like i cant get it , i will be dead ? Wow , now only i realised that 1 stupid creature was born . Thats me .
I am a big dreamer who always want the best for my life . As to what i have read from "IF" poem , i forgot who is the author. In the poem , the father give advises to his son where one of it is dont take dreams as your master . Yes , i think i made dream my master . Thats why i am now still unmovable and stopped there . I rule my dream ! In fact , i just shouldn't be a dream but a mission to be complete . Ermm.... you might not know whats the meaning of the lyric . It actually meant that :" Hurt is a process & a journey where everyone will go through , Dont give up because of it ; Sadness is only a feeling , Dont let it drop you down into a deep hole . "
Everyone will experience it . Everyone will feel it. Get and fail . Gosh ! thats what i learnt from buddha ! Why i cant remember it when i was so down ? I will now however let it be whatever it had happened . It is kind of late for me to start again . It is never too late for me to realise it . Rush !Rush!Rush!Hurry !hUrry!! Junhong ...............You are left behind!!!!! Go Go Go !!!
Thanks . What can i said besides thanks and express my appreciation ? Just a simple appreciation . But Fully from my heart . My gratefulness . Thankful .
Do my best !
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