FiNallY or What ?

FiNally ? Done ?
You might wondering what am i heading with ? What is the purpose to put such a title ? 30th MAY 2008 , That day is just suppose to be the happiest day i ever have . Ermm , am i saying that i am sad ? Argh...huh ..... NOt realLY . Instead of saying that i am sad , i am disappointed . I think i am a negativity absorber recently . Why is it ? I think i prefer to be bitten by a spider and have super ability . However , by having the grateful and appreciation , i think those negativity can at least neutralise . All right , lets back to the main topic .

Notes + Laptop=preparation?

Coffee & I for the exams
Yesterday is the last day for my exam which i sat for the last paper - TORT LAW . This law is deal with negligence(form of injury suffered) , Trespass to land , Escape property , Private Nuisance , Occupier's liability and Trespass to person. Well, it is not all part of the tort law but at least what i stated is within my syllabus . Amongst all the law that i studied , Tort law is my favorite law subject . In a common understanding , it wont be suprise if i master this law . Not to say that i mastered the topic already , at least i understand the topic quite well . I prepared and i memorised most of the relevant cases . When i sit in the exam hall , i have the feeling to answer the questions confidently . It is sad that i spend too much times on the first question , so i dont have enough time to finish the third question(which is the last question) . I just roughly wrote down all the points or relevant cases . It is however not enough to score a high band in the question since i do not juxtapose every details of the fact with the law . I guess an 'A' just pass by with me but then it left . I think i can score better in Contract law if compared to Tort law .

Outcome of exam = panda eyes
Okay , law is done . Now , another subject i took which i dont understand the subject at all ! - SOCIOLOGY. It is a subject which study on the society in varies of perspective - for example Marxist theory ( I think you heard of Karl Marx , right ?) . For 5 months i attended the sociology lecture and i do not really flip on the sociology notes. I admit that i always study last minutes . I dont study unless the exam is coming . I attend for the lectures and i do assignments . Thats all . I do not have enough times to study all the chapter packs . So , i'll do what i always do - SPOT QUESTIONS . I flipped through all the pass year questions and do some Analysis , so to speak . As a result , i just read on the answers on the questions which i spotted . In fact , i dont have the answer but i prepare the answer by myself . I am not saying that i am smart , okay ? I have no choice but to prepare the answer ! The point is it might be wrong ! Haha , you will really suprise for the risk i taken . Yeah , i am a risk taker ! Dont ever think that it is good . Thank god that i manage to answer the questions . What i spotted do come out . Out of 12 questions , i need to answer 3 and it is just nice that the 3 questions i studied came out . WOOO....Only 3 man ! I am so lucky ! However , i dont think what i have written is what the examiners expected .
Yes , the exam is finally done . I just hoping for 2 principle passes . If i failed for sociology ! I cant imagine that i gotta re-sit it in this November . I dont want to see those sociologist anymore. This is why the above title stated as "IT IS STILL NOT DONE YET !" . It might seems like everything is finished , it will only finish when i got 2 passes . I am just so worry ! PLEASE , LET ME PASS AND I WONT BURN MIDNIGHT OIL AGAIN !
Today is the 31st MAY , it means that i have almost 2 months to go ! My college mates suggest that we'll have a trip to travel . Where ? In theirs options , there's a lots places ! Redang , Bukit Merah , somewhere with hotspring , they even suggest to travel in Thailand ! Seriously , i dont like thailand . It just full with mysterious in my point of view. Hehe....of course i prefer Redang , it is my dream island ! Wherever they planned to go , i will surely join them since after that we will all separate . Some of them will back to JB . All of us is future litigator !!! So , when is it going to be ? haha.... Some negotiation still going on there .
It is now i have to think of how am i going to spend this 2 months . Most of my friends is working but i dont think i am going to work even i hope to . In this coming 2 months, i will have to deal with Library Management , work on Yuan Rong's society's website and also i'll improve myself physically and psychologically. I promised to play badminton with my brother and i promised myself to swim once in a week . Besides , the most complicated things i have to settle is Buddhist Society SMK TMN CONNAUGHT . Such a problematic badge i have ever seen ! Selfishness is always the biggest problem . Also , i have to read on SPM notes so that i can guide my sister in her SPM ! Seriously , It is tiring to be a brother internally or externally( the world outside) . They are most likely not going to appreciate what you have done . That is the things. After everything you have done , they'll just say:" thats your business ." They will defence themselves by apply the rule of " VOLUNTI NON FIT INJURIA", this defence is very likely to be succed in the court . This means you consent to it . They will blame us at the end . Yea , where is justice ?? It is however i will keep going to take care of people around me . I might not have the ability but i have the willingness .
I have no idea whether what i planned is workable or not . Hopefully it will . To all , please pray for me ya! So that i can get through in my exam ! I believe by having the positivity of you all will summon the universe to arrange a happy ending for me .

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