I feel like taking a rest. I am really mentally tired which is undescribable.
Sava bien ? Sava !
I hope all the respective readers are enjoyed reading my blog. Though some of my friend do think my blog can hardly be understood and it is a way too long ? I really appreciate those who has discussed with me on the philosophies and left some comments. Thanks abundantly for your typing efforts. Can't imagine all thing can be so furious and extremely prompt. By viewing and reading this post, you will get to know me better. Especially, this post....
Below are what am i gonna jot down in my blog :
~ The negative side of me will be disclosed partially here now and in this post itself. Dr Jekyll is back! It is reveiled by a wise man who happened to appear in my life at one point of life. The one who keep remind me stay away from egoness and self-centredness. The one who has lead me all this way till now. The one who has enlightened me along when i faced obstacles.The one who teaches me to take off the thought of " An eye for an eye". The one who knows me the best !
~ Another issue i would like to discuss on would be realitivity whether does money is the only source which satisfy your needs? I, personally think on this view is fatous as you would fall into an deep abyss or may even buried in it. Isn't it is just so undignity ? Lets seek for further discussion in below. However, it is just plainly my two cents, dont take my words wholly as a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.Ermm.... Albeit what i have shared might not be idea or realiable, but, i think as long as it leads you to think, then i fits the purpose of me posting these.
~ Next, i would like to bring on some thought of mine of a role for ' Judges' and stage of life which people may come across to.
~ Whether are you pretending ? The fakeness you are having is true or untrue ? if it is true, are you pretending ?
~ All about my dad
I have bunches of things , thoughts, or incidents that i wish to make it in written but we all just have 24 hours per day. Neither do i as an ordinary man, i have not enough time to do whatever i wished. Look here, some of us may opined that, we actually own 24 hours.By having this thought, man sebsequently, in a way, think that time is beyond their control. No, within OUR control. Lolx...i am man as well. The fact is, do we indeed own it ? Time is a scope of our life in nature where we are given such amount f time to complete your mission. We wont be here if there is no reason as of law, there is law when there is reasoning which make thing or justice to be seen. Where there is a principle of reasoning, it indicating the rule of cause and effect. The nature of law itself is to make justice to be seen, i think those who can near this testimony is natutalist. ( Note: i havent read on Jurisprudence yet, it is just merely a silly view !) . To make thing short, we are here for some reasons.
In the public eyes, people used to view me as a very good human, smart, or hardworking which i am not indeed. It is recently something had happened which put me into awake ! Last time, i dont used to believe in horoscope and now, i think it is quite accurate and true in a way. It is especially when it describes on Leo's characteristics. Egoistic, can hardly being humble, Self-centred and so on. Tell you what, it is true. Sometimes, egoistic is just driving me to criticise on certain issues and ignore other's view. As a buddhist, i learnt a lot of theories on it and it cant seems to be practicable for me. From now on, i really dont dare to declare myself as a Buddhist. I hope to be a better man but yet, i cant make it. I cant see my own mistake ! Where there's a conflict between the Buddhism Teaching and the way my family brought me out. I am trying to lighten up this negative side of me and therefore you can seldom see me giving my views but remain silents. Try to be as low profile as much as i can. I know , my attitudes may have already hurted someone and i am sorry. I dont mean to let you all down. See ? i am bad and stupid and dumb actually. However, i am trying to improve myself.
To be continue on others issue.......