Many people will always said that their life is complicated and painful.
I would say that life is simple and nice .
Well...why is it my life again ? haha....what else can i talk abt besides my life??
Is there an existance of destiny ? I mean everythings is fixed ? I dont agree.
We can actually control and even change our life. Recently, i have msn with one of my secondary closest friend. His academic achivement is really shinning right now. Salute man !!!
He said to me before, he will do better and do his best ! nOW He proved it .H e is now in Form 6.I believe he will do great and score well in this coming STPM.
In contrast, Im only doin okay which is just fine. I am aiming for exellent now.
Exellent ! Great! Good !...that what i wanna hear !!
I might take part in a mooting competition. If i do take part on it, I will make sure that i'll win . I will do my best !!
Wish me luck . I will also score well in law and sociology. WHich is As !!!!
COMe ON, jUNhong. U can do it !!! I will quote frm Adidas....Nothing is impossible......